Lesson # 5 Making decision in C++

Lesson # 5 Making decision in C++

Before talking about making decision in C++, it is important to become familiar with relational, equality and logical operators. Like arithmetic operators; relational operators, equality operators and logical operators are also used in C++.  These operators are often encountered in if-statements. In an if-statement a condition is checked with the help of these operators which return Boolean value i.e. True (1)  or False (0). The following table summarizes these operators.
Algebraic representation
C ++ Representation
Greater Than
x  > y
Less than
x < y
Greater than or equal to
Less than or equal to
Not equal
Here is a simple program which illustrate the use relational, equality and logical operators.
using namespace std;
int x=15,y=20;
int a=50,b=60;
string myname="Umar",yourname="Ali";

Let’s discuss the code quickly.
using namespace std;
int x=15,y=20;                    // Declares two integer variables x and y and initializes them with 15 and 20

int a=50,b=60;                   // Declares two integers variables a and b and initializes them with 50 and 60

string myname="Umar",yourname="Ali";            // Declares two string variables myname and yourname

cout<<(x>y)<<endl;       // Displays 0 or 1, if the statement x>y is true then it returns  1 otherwise 0 which means the statement is false. In this case it displays 0 because x is NOT greater than y.

cout<<(x<y)<<endl;       // Displays 0 or 1, if the statement x<y is true then it returns  1 otherwise 0 which means the statement is false. In this case it displays 1 because x is less than y.

cout<<(x>=y)<<endl;     // Displays 0 or 1, if any of the statements i.e.  x>y or x=y is true then it returns  1 otherwise 0 which means the statement is false. In this case it displays 0 because x is NOT greater than or equal to y.

cout<<(x<=y)<<endl;     // Displays 0 or 1, if any of statements  i.e. x<y or x=y  is true then it returns  1 otherwise 0 which means the statement is false. In this case it displays 1 because x is less than y. (If one condition is fulfilled, the other not need to be fulfilled.)

cout<<(x==y)<<endl;     // Displays 0 or 1, if the statement x==y is true then it returns  1 otherwise 0 which means the statement is false. In this case it displays 0 because x is not equal to y.

cout<<(x!=y)<<endl;      // Displays 0 or 1, if the statement x!=y is true then it returns  1 otherwise 0 which means the statement is false. In this case it displays 1 because x is not equal to y.

cout<<(x>y&&a>b)<<endl;         // Displays 0 or 1, if both of the statements i.e. x>y and a>b are true then it returns  1 otherwise 0 which means the statement is false. In this case it displays 0 because both of the statements are false.

cout<<(x<y||a<b)<<endl;           // Displays 0 or 1, if any of the statements i.e. x<y OR a<b is true then it returns  1 otherwise 0 which means the statement is false. In this case it displays 1 because any of the statements is true.

cout<<(myname==yourname); // Displays 0 or 1, if the statements myname==yourname is true then it returns  1 otherwise 0 which means the statement is false. In this case it displays 0 because these two strings are not equal

using namespace std;
int x=15,y=20;                    // Declares two integers variables x and y and initializes them with 15 and 20

int a=50,b=60;                   // Declares two integers variables a and b and initializes them with 50 and 60

string myname="Umar",yourname="Ali";            // Declares two string variables myname and yourname

cout<<(x<y)<<endl;       // Displays 0 or 1, if the statement x<y is true then it returns  1 otherwise 0 which means the statement is false. In this case it will display 0 because x is greater than y.
cout<<(x>y)<<endl;       // Displays 0 or 1, if the statement x>y is true then it returns  1 otherwise 0 which means the statement is false.

Code & Output:

5.2 If-Statement

If-statement lets a program to make a decision based on the value of a condition. If the condition is true then body of the if-statement is executed otherwise the body of the if-statement is not executed, in case the condition is false. If-statement is made of relational, equality and logical operators and other statements in the body of the if-statement. For if-statement the keyword if is used, after if a specific condition is defined. The simple if-statement is given below.
Statement a;
Statement b;
Statement c;

Above code is executed only, when the condition within braces is met i.e. it is true.
Let’s see a real example in C++.
using namespace std;
int num1=300,num2=250;
cout<<"Num1 is greater than num2";

Let’s discuss how this code works.
using namespace std;
int num1=300,num2=250;            // Declares two integer variables num1 and num2 and initializes them with 300 and 250

if(num1>num2)                                // Checks, whether num1 is greater than num2. In this case the condition is true, the body of the if-statement is executed. Therefore Num1 is greater than num2 is displayed on the screen. 
{                                                             // indicates the start of the if-statement body
cout<<"Num1 is greater than num2";     // A statement in if-statement body.
}                                                              // indicates the send of the if-statement body.                

 Code & Output:

5.3 If else statement

The if else statement can be used to define a different block of code to be executed if the condition is false. The simple form of the if else statement is given below.
Statement a;
Statement b;
Statement c;
Statement d;
Statement e;
Statement f;

In the above code, the condition is checked if it is true then body of the if-statement is executed otherwise the body of the else is executed.

Let’s see an example.
using namespace std;
int num1,num2;
cout<<"Enter First Number: ";
cout<<"Enter Second Number: ";
if(num1>num2) {
cout<<"The Large Number is : "<<num1;
cout<<"The Large Number is : "<<num2;

Discussion about code is given below.
using namespace std;
int num1,num2;                                                // Declares two integer variables num1 and num2
cout<<"Enter First Number: ";                   // Displays “Enter First Number” on the screen

cin>>num1;                                                        // Gets data from keyboard and stores it in num1 variable

cout<<"Enter Second Number: ";             // Displays “Enter  Second Number” on the screen

cin>>num2;                                                        // Gets data from keyboard and stores it in num2 variable
if(num1>num2)                                                // Checks, whether num1 is greater than num2. If the condition
is met, the body of the if-statement is executed otherwise the control is given to else statement.  

{                                                                              //Indicates the start of if-statement body.
cout<<"The Large Number is : "<<num1;

}                                                                              //Indicates the end of if-statement body. 

else                                                                        //In case the if-statement condition is false then else block of code is executed.

{                                                                              //Indicates the start of if-statement body.

cout<<"The Large Number is : "<<num2;

}                                                                              //Indicates the end of else body.


Code & Output:

5.4 Nested if-statement

An if-statement within another if-statement is called nested if-statement which is used to check more than one condition. We can use as many if-statements in a program as we want but they make our code complicated which not easy to understand for others.  In a nested if-statement, every if-statement must have its own opening and closing brace. To make the code clear, we should use proper indentation.  The general syntax is given below;
If (condition-1)
If(condition-2) {

Statement a;
Statement b;
Statement c;

                If(condition -3) {

Statement d;
Statement e;
Statement f;

Let me illustrate it with help of an example. This code compares three integers and displays the largest integer using nested if-statement.

using namespace std;
int num1,num2,num3;
cout<<"Enter First Number: ";
cout<<"Enter Second Number: ";
cout<<"Enter Third Number: ";
                  cout<<"The Large Number is : "<<num1;
                               cout<<"The Large Number is : "<<num2;
                                cout<<"The Large Number is : "<<num3;

Let me discuss the code briefly.
using namespace std;
int num1,num2,num3;                                 // Declares two integer variables num1,num2 and num3

cout<<"Enter First Number: ";                 // Displays “Enter First Number” on the screen
cin>>num1;                                                       // Gets data from keyboard and stores it in num1 variable

cout<<"Enter Second Number: ";            // Displays “Enter Second Number” on the screen

cin>>num2;                                                       // Gets data from keyboard and stores it in num2 variable

cout<<"Enter Third Number: ";               // Displays “Enter Third Number” on the screen

cin>>num3;                                                       // Gets data from keyboard and stores it in num3 variable

if(num1>num2)                                              // Checks, whether num1 is greater than num2. If the condition
is met, the body of the if-statement is executed .

{                                                                              //Indicates the start of first if-statement body.

     if(num1>num3)                                         // Checks, whether num1 is greater than num3. If the condition
is met, the body of the if-statement is executed.

     {                                                                         //Indicates the start of second if-statement body.

                  cout<<"The Large Number is : "<<num1;
     }                                                                         //Indicates the end of second if-statement body.

Else                                                                       //In case the first and second if-statement conditions are false then else block of code is executed.

{                                                                              //Indicates the start of else body.

     if(num2>num1)                                         // Checks, whether num2 is greater than num1. If the                                           condition is met, the body of the if-statement is                                                 executed.

     {                                                                         //Indicates the start of third if-statement body.

                  if(num2>num3)               // Checks, whether num2 is greater than num3. If the condition
is met, the body of the if-statement is executed.
                  {                                            //Indicates the start of fourth if-statement body.

                               cout<<"The Large Number is : "<<num2;
                  }                                                  //Indicates the end of fourth if-statement body.

     }                                                                         //Indicates the end of third if-statement body.

     else                                            //In case the third and fourth if-statement conditions are false then else block of code is executed.
     {                                                                           //Indicates the start of else body.

            if(num3>num1)                    // Checks, whether num3 is greater than num1. If the condition
is met, the body of the if-statement is executed.

            {                                                                  //Indicates the start of fifth if-statement body.

                   if(num3>num2)                  // Checks, whether num3 is greater than num2. If the condition
is met, the body of the if-statement is executed.

                   {                                                           //Indicates the start of sixth if-statement body.

                                cout<<"The Large Number is : "<<num3;
                   }                                                           //Indicates the end of sixth if-statement body.

            }                                                                  //Indicates the end of fifth if-statement body.

}                                                                              //Indicates the end of second else body

}                                                                              //Indicates the end of first else body

}                                                                              //Indicates the end of first if-statement body. 


Code & Output:

5.5 If else if statement.

It is another way to handle nested if, by using if else if statement code is easy to maintain and easy to understand. The following few lines explain the general syntax of  “if else if statement.”

If (condition-1)

Else if(condition-2) 
Else if(condition -3)

Here is an example of if else if statement

using namespace std;
int score;
string grade;
cout<<"Enter your score: ";
             grade=" A";
else if(score>=80)
     grade=" B";
else if(score>=70)
     grade=" C";
else if(score>=60)
     grade=" D";
else {
     grade=" F";
cout<<"Grade for score "<<score<<" is :"<<grade;

Let’s discuss the code briefly.
// Gets data from keyboard and stores it in num1 variable
//Indicates the start of fourth if-statement body.

using namespace std;

int score;             // Declares an integer variables score

string grade;      // Declares a string variables grade

cout<<"Enter your score: ";       // Displays “Enter your score” on the screen

cin>>score;        // Gets data from keyboard and stores it in score variable
if(score>=90)                   // Checks, whether score is greater than or equal to 90. If the condition
is met, the body of the if-statement is executed.
             grade=" A";
else if(score>=80)          // Checks, whether score is greater than or equal to  80. If the condition
is met, the body of the if-statement is executed.

     grade=" B";
else if(score>=70)          // Checks, whether score is greater than or equal to  70. If the condition
is met, the body of the if-statement is executed.

     grade=" C";
else if(score>=60)          // Checks, whether score is greater than or equal to  60. If the condition
is met, the body of the if-statement is executed.

     grade=" D";
else {                                     // If all the conditions above are false then the body of the else-statement is executed.

     grade=" F";
cout<<"Grade for score "<<score<<" is :"<<grade;         // Displays grade on the screen.

     {                                                                         //Indicates the start of third if-statement body.

                  if(num2>num3)                       // Checks, whether num2 is greater than num3. If the condition
is met, the body of the if-statement is executed.
                  {                                                            //Indicates the start of fourth if-statement body.

                               cout<<"The Large Number is : "<<num2;
                  }                                                            //Indicates the end of fourth if-statement body.

     }                                                                         //Indicates the end of third if-statement body.

     else                                                                   //In case the third and fourth if-statement conditions are false then else block of code is executed.
     {                                                                           //Indicates the start of else body.

            if(num3>num1)                                  // Checks, whether num3 is greater than num1. If the condition
is met, the body of the if-statement is executed.

            {                                                                  //Indicates the start of fifth if-statement body.

                   if(num3>num2)                           // Checks, whether num3 is greater than num2. If the condition
is met, the body of the if-statement is executed.

                   {                                                           //Indicates the start of sixth if-statement body.

                                cout<<"The Large Number is : "<<num3;
                   }                                                           //Indicates the end of sixth if-statement body.

            }                                                                  //Indicates the end of fifth if-statement body.

}                                                                              //Indicates the end of second else body

}                                                                              //Indicates the end of first else body

}                                                                              //Indicates the end of first if-statement body. 


Code & Output: 

Using logical operator with if-statement.

We can combine many if-statements into a single if-statement by using logical operators such as && and ||. && operator returns true when both the conditions are true otherwise false.  An OR operator ( ||) returns true when any of the condition is true, false is return only if both the conditions are false.
using namespace std;
int num1,num2,num3;
cout<<"Enter First Number: ";
cout<<"Enter Second Number: ";
cout<<"Enter Third Number: ";
                  cout<<"The Large Number is : "<<num1;
else if(num2>num1&&num2>num3)
     cout<<"The Large Number is : "<<num2;
else if(num3>num1&&num3>num2)
     cout<<"The Large Number is : "<<num3;
else {
     cout<<"Two numbers are equal";

Here is how this code works.
using namespace std;
int num1,num2,num3;                                 // Declares two integer variables num1,num2 and num3

cout<<"Enter First Number: ";                 // Displays “Enter First Number” on the screen
cin>>num1;                                                       // Gets data from keyboard and stores it in num1 variable

cout<<"Enter Second Number: ";            // Displays “Enter Second Number” on the screen

cin>>num2;                                                       // Gets data from keyboard and stores it in num2 variable

cout<<"Enter Third Number: ";               // Displays “Enter Third Number” on the screen

cin>>num3;                                                       // Gets data from keyboard and stores it in num3 variable

if(num1>num2&&num1>num3)            // Checks whether two conditions i.e. num1>num2&&num1>num3 are true. If true is return the body of the if-statement is executed.
                  cout<<"The Large Number is : "<<num1;
else if(num2>num1&&num2>num3) // Checks whether two conditions i.e. num2>num1&&num2>num3are true. If true is return the body of the if-statement is executed.

     cout<<"The Large Number is : "<<num2;
else if(num3>num1&&num3>num2) // Checks whether two conditions i.e.  num3>num1&&num3>num2 are true. If true is return the body of the if-statement is executed.

     cout<<"The Large Number is : "<<num3;
else {                                                                     // If all of the conditions are false then the else body is executed.
     cout<<"Two numbers are equal";

Code & Output: